dimitriadisDear colleagues,
welcome to our Society's site and I wish you find it informative and useful.

This year we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Radiological Society of Northern Greece. This celebration coincides with the annual seminar concerning Radiology residents, the future of our specialty.

RSNG, based in Thessaloniki, was founded in 1984. I was fortunate to be the President of the constituent assembly of RSNG in the Hall of the Medical Association of Thessaloniki.
The main goal of our society, always in collaboration with the Hellenic Radiological Society, all scientific societies of Northern Greece, Universities, the Medical Society and Medical Associations of Northern Greece, is to introduce and establish our specialty along with its sub-specialties in diagnostic, therapeutic and research medical events in our country for the progress of science and the benefit of suffering people in the society.

A prerequisite for achieving these goals is the presence of a sufficient number of highly skilled medical radiologists, technologists and nurses in each Radiology Department,, modern and adequate radiological equipment, and similar facilities for the their development.

RSNG has offered and hopes to contribute to the education of Greek Radiologists in the areas of diagnosis, research and therapy through scientific meetings, conferences, lectures and publications in the society's journal.

RSNG is also the place of communication between colleagues in helping to strengthen relations on a collaborative, scientific, trade union, and social level.
In RSNG we are proud of the achievements made so far with the assistance of all previous Boards, and members of our Company. It is therefore our obligation to continue the effort made in the past 25 years and brought our company to present high level.

I fervently hope that the coming years will be more creative in the interest of Radiology in Northern Greece.

 Professor A.S. Dimitriadis